(847) 622-1214

Firm Profile


Established in 1983, expansion of services/name change in 2001

Controlling Ownership

John Shales, Josh Campanelli


All key personnel are OSHA 30 hour certified

Firm History

Our organization has been in continuous operation as a construction manager and general contractor since 1983. Founded as Seagren/Shales, Inc., we became Shales McNutt LLC in 2001 when we switched from a corporation to a limited liability company, and to reflect the elevation of John McNutt to a partnership role. In 2016, Josh Campanelli joined the leadership team as an owner of the company.

Core Values

Our team members all have a desire to help people, high integrity, and a dedication to team over self, but what makes us different, at our core, is the following -
Responsibility: personal dedication to our client’s objectives
Intentionality: proactively planning and preparing our projects for success
Communication: with honesty, clarity, and frequency


92% of volume delivered as a Construction Manager

80% of volume for publicly funded clients

76% of projects include renovations in or additions to occupied facilities

69% of volume in the education sector

$67 Million—largest single contract

0.75%—our average project final cost is 0.75% lower than initial cost